When I’m teaching a painting class, I send out daily-ish emails to all my painting students to help them get inspired and in the groove. I might send a painting, a link to a helpful blog, something I just learned, or a short video. I try to make these emails relevant, but they’re not pre-planned, and they’re not perfect. They’re just thoughts in the moment, one a day, take ’em or leave ’em. Recent topics: “How to paint light,” “Rembrandt vs Turner,” “Who is RB Kitaj,” “Your brushes suck.”

I’m offering the Painting Class Newsletter (named “V-notes”) to everyone who wants them, not just my students. Sign up to receive daily-ish thoughts and ideas related to painting – for FREE! Pass it on, and tell a friend. My students enjoy them, and so might you.

Too many emails? No worries. Unsubscribe anytime with a single click. Done.


Ruthie V.
