Some Pretty Paintings

A collection of figures and flowers in paintings and prints

Figure, Standing with Red Blanket Coat, 48×24” oil and gouache on panel (2018)

Opens January 5, 2019
Show up through January 27th
Artist Talk Saturday, January 5th (3:30-4:30pm)
Opening Reception to follow (5-7pm)


Smith & Vallee Gallery
5742 Gilkey Ave, Edison
(360) 766-6230
Open Daily 11-5




Many more paintings for my January show are in the works! Click here to receive a sneak preview of artworks, early purchase options for the holidays, and invitations in your inbox.


Looking for more news?

Since launching the Seattle Artist League in 2016, most of my thoughts and ideas have been channeled through the school instead of my personal website. If you’d like to see what I’ve been up to, check my Facebook page, and V. Notes.